Pig snuggles

Today we spent a couple of hours traipsing around the property locating the western corners of our property.  Out here 80 acres looks huge when there are no neighbors, fences, roads and its mile after mile of trees.  It was an enjoyable adventure though not so much when wading through grass taller than I am, I stepped into a hole up to my knees and it was full of water.  Now that might not seem like a big deal to many but I live in Alaska and by now it is supposed to be short days, cold, frozen and snow on the ground.  Well the days are short, it’s a bit chilly at night in the teens and 20s but the days range from 29-43 and there is a couple of inches of snow on the ground so who put that water there!   What bothers me is it has not gotten cold enough to freeze the ground more than a couple of inches and that will mean break up in the spring will be a long soggy one but hey,  no worries, I am living in Alaska land of my dreams!IMG_2487 (2) IMG_2495 (2) IMG_2509 (2)

Tonight we are predicted to get 3-6 inches of snow and I do hope that maybe just maybe winter is arriving.  My pigs and goats say a storm is on the way with their silly antics wanting to run and play.  Charlotte the 200 pound grunting pig that wants to be a dog is in the dog house, hmmm or pig house (not sure anymore she has me so confused) because she has decided she wants all the attention all the time.  To get an accurate mental picture I must explain when I go outside if they are anywhere in the vicinity they run up to be scratched and get attention-I do wonder if others have pigs that will come when called but I am getting side tracked.  They usually will line up in front of me and patiently await their turn often stretching out as if bowing before me and we all joke about how they are bowing before the queen-funny until you realize that perhaps I am being referred to as a queen pig. For the past couple of days Charlotte has been getting aggressive towards the other pigs and I had to finally spank her.  Now lets look at this picture. me spanking a 200 plus pound pig who isn’t holding still at all and at the same time my mouth is in high gear telling her what a bad girl she is all the while hubby is once again standing  there watching, smirking and when I finally am out of breath from my tirade asks “now ya gonna tell her how you really feel”?  Grrrrr, apparently my lesson in manners worked (if only temporarily) After the commotion was over Mr.Bacon, Sir Hammington, and Jasper aka Jazzy all lined up again for the belly scratching and pig snuggle time.   Charlotte who was now on her best behavior and as lady like is as possible for a pig quietly waited for her turn. In case your curious, no  do not enjoy disciplining any animals but for safety sake you don’t want a pig around who wants to bite  and pig or not she is required to act like a lady.

We are still waiting for baby goats and I have checked the dates many times so apparently they did not get bred when I had thought so we will continue waiting.

Well I must go for now the water is hot and dishes need to be done, firewood needs hauled in and kids put to bed.

God Bless all

4 thoughts on “Pig snuggles”

  1. I love this post as I do all your others. Even though I know it is a challenge living off the Grid, I am sure it is fun letting your animals run around and be able to greet you, instead of having them pinned up all the time. It sounds like they provide entertainment, if not for yourself, for all of us reading your blogs, and the rest of your family.

  2. 80 acres is huge when your not a youngster. I remember when Rose, (owner of the homestead), and I walked the entire 80 acre boundary, not easy back in 2000 and today impossible. But now she has a nice home and I have a tight cabin and what little wood used will never strip the property of its beauty and the view across the valley of the White mountains.

  3. that first pic brought tears and something inside very deep and meaniful speaks to me very strongly saying this is how we are suppose to live off the land and respect our planet

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